The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM by Mark.

The Executive Board unanimously approved financial committee report tended by treasure Dick Strecker.

The Executive Board recommends the following to the brotherhood: that the chapter accepts the Campus Chest project for soliciting faculty members through the mail of the contributions of money to the Campus Chest (to be donated to the mail).

The board also approved the idea of running a folk concert either this semester or next semester, the money to be given to the Art Acquisition Fund of the University.  It was moved that this concert be run by the finance committee and the money be donated to the above cause.

The idea of setting up a trust fund to which each graduating brother would contribute $10 was debated in referring to the finance committee for the consideration.

To a motion to invite GSS to share the privilege of coat checking with us was unanimously approved by the Executive Board.  The Board also unanimous approved the motion but she SSB invited to participate in the skating party.

The idea for the formation of a quote “Instant Projects Committee" and an Eemergency Squad was tabled for two weeks.  Dave Mathieson wanted more time to organize his plans.

Dave will also appoint someone to act as a project coordinator with GSS.  This move was taken in order to avoid any future derisive letters from GSS's  “bureaucratic hierarchy".

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM

Respectfully submitted
Albert J. Johnson
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes